
Kavita Melwani, M.Ed

🧡 Quick tip this week

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read



Hey Reader

You and I email each other because we have a calling we can't ignore; if we do, we will feel it in our souls.

One misconception is that if you follow your calling, everything will fall into place, and if it doesn't, you are making a mistake. This is not true.

Challenges are part of life; you must keep going!

So, in case no one told you yet this week, you’re doing great even if you are not getting everything done on your to-do list, even if you haven't reached your income goal yet, even if you feel like things are not working out right now.


And in case you need help remembering that you are on the right path, here’s the one tip I want to share this week:

“Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun,”
Bonnie Garmus, Lessons in Chemistry

Hope that helps.


:: MEET Kavita::
is a Spiritual Success and Business coach, an empath, the mother to two teenage boys, and a wife of 23 years. She helps Conscious, Spiritual entrepreneurs create purposeful, profitable businesses aligned with their souls without burnout.

💫 PPS If you are ready to have a clear path to run your purposeful, profitable business then book your business elevation session here.

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Kavita Melwani, M.Ed

Intuitive Success Coach Empowering soulful entrepreneurs *Jungian coach *Opulently shine *Empaths *Sensitives *Conscious souls 605-209-0797

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