
Kavita Melwani, M.Ed

Intuitive Success Coach Empowering soulful entrepreneurs *Jungian coach *Opulently shine *Empaths *Sensitives *Conscious souls 605-209-0797

A person sitting on the floor with a book and a cup of coffee
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Season 4 Wrap-up: What I Learned Personally and Professionally this Season

Hello Reader, I am excited to share with you my Season 4 Wrap-up and Reflections on what I learned personally and professionally this past Podcast season (which is about a year). I hope that hearing these lessons will benefit you, allowing you to accelerate your growth and success or even feel better. đź’« Comfort Zone - how my ego mind "tricked" me into staying more here than I thought. đź’« The continued evolution of Relationships đź’« Accepting how I learn new things, theories, and techniques. That...

a woman sitting on a couch writing on a notebook

Hello Reader, Have you ever found yourself wondering, Why does this feel so hard? When can I stop working on myself? Lately, these questions have come up not just for me, but for many of my clients as well. It’s common to feel overwhelmed, tired, or like something is constantly nagging at you. When we face these moments, it’s a signal to pause and reflect. Our emotions act as a guidance system. While we shouldn’t let them control us, it’s crucial to listen to what they’re trying to convey....

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Are you in a significant life transition? OR Do you feel paralyzed when making a decision? Reader, I have found that the bigger the transition or decision, the harder it is to choose. For everything you say yes to, you are saying no to many other things. You may be concerned that you will make the "wrong" decision, that you are not fulfilling your purpose with a certain decision, or that you feel confused. Either way, making choices during a major transition can be challenging. I do remember...

woman in white spaghetti strap top standing on the seashore

Dear Reader Is your mind a "mean girl?" - I know mine is, and it has been a journey to learn how to work with my mind so it doesn't hold me back or rob the joy out of life. During this journey, I tried everything to help, from talking about it, hypnosis, regression, and thought work, but more than all of that, I worked on changing my circumstances, thinking that I would feel better if ______ (fill in the blank with something you want). Everything would help; some of the changes were...

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Have you heard of Somatic coaching or therapy and wondered exactly what it was? Or do you know what it is but are not sure if it is for you? Let me explain a little more about this modality. Soma means the body. Which is the basis of somatic coaching. Why should we work with the body? We work with the body because we store our unprocessed emotions in our bodies. Also, by using the body, we can access our subconscious mind. It is not the only way, but it is a very effective way. I am a person...

woman in black and red floral dress holding white hat

When you feel stuck and have been trying everything to move past an area of your life or business, do you push through and try to do more to overcome the block? What if you have done everything you can, hired support, or even worked harder, and things are still not moving? If this is happening, then you may have skipped an important step when it comes to change - > acceptance. What thoughts and feelings come up when you hear the word acceptance? Reader if you are like most people, the word is...

Have you been watching the Olympics? Even if you haven't keep reading, it may be exactly what you need to hear today... One of the sports I love watching is gymnastics, and like many, I have admired Simone Biles. If you know part of her story, you need to know that she dropped out of the Tokyo Olympics partway through because she had developed a case of the "twisties," which is when a gymnast's brain no longer connects properly with her body. She felt that it was jeopardizing her physical...

This week, I am sharing an excerpt from the masterclass I had last week called: "Overcoming Subconscious Block for Your Business Success" In this class, I explained the subconscious mind, how your brain works when working towards goals, and how your brain can get in the way of your success. I also lead two powerful exercises to shift your subconscious mind. Several attendees contacted me and told me they had shifts and changes just from attending the class. I know that only some can or want...

Did you know, Reader, that to make lasting changes, you need to work with what is in your subconscious mind? When you only work with the conscious mind, you only access less than 10% of your brain. Most of your subconscious mind is “programmed” by the age of 7, then your brain searches for information to confirm that what you share is true. This creates well-worn neural pathways that become very difficult to work against. Your brain wants to stay safe, which means staying with what is...

Whenever I step away from my business and life, I always gain new insights. Once I realized that, I set intentions for when I would spend time away. Sometimes, if I feel stuck on a problem/challenge, or choice, I will ask for clarity and then release the attachment. If I start thinking about the situation on my trip, I tell myself I will deal with that when I return and enjoy my time away. What about you Reader, do you receive insights when you step away? Recently, I went on a family vacation...