
Kavita Melwani, M.Ed

🧑 Quick tip for your success

Published 3 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read





In our house, travel is something that we invest in regularly. We try to go to different places every year, and this year is no different. In fact, we are starting to plan our trip now, and I am meeting with a travel agent to help us this year.


During our trips, we experience different places, cultures, food, and history. Once we are there, it is always a memorable experience.

What do you invest in at your house? What is important enough to make you spend your valuable time, money, and energy on every year?

I would love to hear! Reply and let me know.


When I was in middle and high school, I remember that we couldn't go on trips together as a family since my parents had a retail business. When we could afford to travel, we took trips with other families and one parent. I am so happy that I am able to provide a different experience for my children.


The thing is, my childhood experience with business impacted my success. My mind equated owning a successful business to being unable to travel with your family. Once I was able to recognize this belief and work through it - it no longer impacted me.


Your subconscious mind impacts over 90% of your behavior!


If you aren't sure what subconscious beliefs are impacting you right now - start with the results that you are getting with your efforts. If you are not getting what you desire - there could be a subconscious belief stopping your success.


Once you recognize it and work with it - it doesn't have to impact you any more.


The long-term impact of working with your subconscious mind is profound and long-lasting. If you want to learn more about your subconscious mind, check out a past podcast episode:


​3 Ways to Access Your Subconscious Mind for Extraordinary Success​


PS. Don’t forget, if you are a soulful entrepreneur and want to move past your subconscious blocks and reach your next level of success - I do offer complimentary "Business Elevation Sessions" click here to book a session.


Here’s a testimonial from one of my beloved clients :




Kavita Melwani, M.Ed

Intuitive Success Coach Empowering soulful entrepreneurs *Jungian coach *Opulently shine *Empaths *Sensitives *Conscious souls 605-209-0797

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