Acceptance or Giving up?

When you feel stuck and have been trying everything to move past an area of your life or business, do you push through and try to do more to overcome the block? What if you have done everything you can, hired support, or even worked harder, and things are still not moving? If this is happening, then you may have skipped an important step when it comes to change - > acceptance.

What thoughts and feelings come up when you hear the word acceptance? Reader if you are like most people, the word is associated with giving in. When I ask clients why they don't want to accept their situation, they usually answer, "If I do, then I won't be motivated to change it." This is your ego mind trying to keep things the same. This is simply not true. The opposite is true.

When you accept your perceptions, thoughts, and all parts of your situation, you can feel all the feelings associated with it. You can allow frustration, disappointment, fear, and any other emotion to be there while you are here in the present moment, OK.

When you don't allow emotions, they stay in your body and impact your behavior through your subconscious mind.

Your body is the access to your subconscious mind.

Since 90 + % of your behavior is impacted by your subconscious mind, processing and feeling your emotions are key components to change. You can't feel those emotions without acceptance. Notice that I didn't say "accept the truth" because the truth is subjective; what is important is how you perceive your situation. Once you accept your perception, and feel all the feelings that come up only then you can forgive yourself for your past choices and move forward.

Once you have gone through this process, then you can come up with creative solutions.

Sometimes, you can do this on your own, but other times, you need support. I love working with my clients at this deep level so they can achieve their dreams. That way, they do not play "whack a mole," which means working on one situation and then seeing the same pattern show up somewhere else.

So, where are you stuck? Where is it time for you to slow down and accept?

This week, I am sharing on my podcast, the 1% rule for change. How you can make small changes for success. This is ideal after you have processed the emotions :)



:: MEET Kavita::
is a Spiritual Success and Purpose coach, an empath, the mother to two teenage boys, and a wife of 23 years. She helps Conscious, Spiritual entrepreneurs create purposeful, profitable businesses aligned with their souls without burnout.

💫 PPS If you are ready to have a clear path to run your purposeful, profitable business then book your business elevation session here.

Kavita Melwani, M.Ed

Intuitive Success Coach Empowering soulful entrepreneurs *Jungian coach *Opulently shine *Empaths *Sensitives *Conscious souls 605-209-0797

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