Entrepreneurs are on a hero/heroine's journey

Reader, Have you ever felt discouraged on your purposeful path? Maybe you spend time comparing yourself to others who are in the same business, the same age group, the same cultural identity, or even the same neighborhood. Or you look at those who have chosen a more traditional path and wonder, did I choose the right path? They seem happy. Maybe you look at other entrepreneurs who are more successful than you are and compare yourself, and then wonder if you are on the right path or if there is something that you don't know.

So then, you search for answers online, ask friends/family for advice, and remain confused.

I know this loop of despair very well, and I find myself here on and off throughout my life and in my businesses, so I wanted to share what you can do if you are feeling this way... What has helped me?

First, I understand what is happening and know that I am not alone.

So let me explain...

If you are an entrepreneur, then you are on your version of:

The Hero's Journey, by Joseph Campbell

As you may know, the entrepreneurial path is not well-worn; it is full of ups and downs and challenges. When you started your business, you chose to move past your comfort zone, and you had some excitement and felt motivated, maybe even inspired. This is known as heading the call in the hero's journey.

Then, the inevitable obstacles, plateaus, and challenges arise along the path. At these moments, you can decide—will I move forward, or will I give up this quest?

What do you choose? Do you keep going or do you give up and go back to what's comfortable?

As an entrepreneur/purpose seeker, you will face these obstacles and challenges, and you are not alone. When you see others' successes, they are on a different part of their journey. I also believe that we go through this regularly as entrepreneurs. For some of you, it is a daily exercise. For most of us the hero/heroine's journey is a process we go through every time we are moving to another level or making a major change in our business and/or life.

Next, once I understand what is happening, the next thing I need - is support from a mentor/coach who can see the possibilities for me that I can't, someone who can support me on the path - to getting over the bridge past the death/rebirth stage and into the new version of me.

Where are you on your journey? Are you thinking about answering the call? Are you facing a challenge or obstacle and in the loop of despair? Or are you in the phase where you have crossed the bridge into the new version of your life/business?

If you are feeling lost or in the loop of despair or feeling stuck, then look for support from a mentor/coach/therapist. Someone who is not a friend or family member and can support in your growth and expansion.

If I am that person, then I invite you to book a call.

Either way, know that the world needs you, there is Divine design in the call

On another note:
Earlier, I sent a survey asking what you wanted to learn about, and I am now ready to offer a free masterclass on one of the topics you chose:

Overcoming Subconscious Blocks for Your Business Succes

I will send out a separate message with the registration and more information for this class.

In the meantime, if this topic interests you, please mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 9th, 1 PM PST, I hope to see you there.



:: MEET Kavita::
is a Spiritual Success and Purpose coach, an empath, the mother to two teenage boys, and a wife of 23 years. She helps Conscious, Spiritual entrepreneurs create purposeful, profitable businesses aligned with their souls without burnout.

💫 PPS If you are ready to have a clear path to run your purposeful, profitable business then book your business elevation session here.

Kavita Melwani, M.Ed

Intuitive Success Coach Empowering soulful entrepreneurs *Jungian coach *Opulently shine *Empaths *Sensitives *Conscious souls 605-209-0797

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