Reconnect with your PURPOSE

I have been taking a pause from my usual marketing the last few weeks as I contemplate and process life and all it's ups and downs. I am learning somatic coaching right now and have been growing as a coach/mentor and a human. My current clients have been experiencing some of the things I am learning. It is always a humbling experience to be a beginner at something - and it is so empowering to learn and grow.

I have been sitting with where I am called to serve and support next. The answer has not come as quickly as I would have liked - recently, at a breathwork training session, the insight came to me. I am ready to introduce this to you now.

If you are feeling any of the following - >I can support you to feel the following

Overwhelm and Burnout - > Vibrancy and enhanced meaning

Disconnection from yourself and others -> Reconnection with yourself and enhanced relationships

Loss of a sense of Purpose - > Renewed sense of purpose and meaning

You know there is more to life and work, but feel lost - > Clarity and Focus

If so, my Spiritual Mentoring and Coaching Program, "Modern Spiritual Fulfillment," is for you. Together, we will uncover your subconscious blocks that are preventing you from living a purposeful life. What is your soul calling you to move into next? How can you honor yourself?

Reconnect with your true Self, the essence of who you are, and your purpose.

In this 1:1 program, we will spend 6 months together and do deep subconscious work. If you are curious, here are some things we will do:



Hypnosis (if you are open)

Jungian Psychology

Somatic Coaching and more

If you are interested, please reply to this email or click here to book an Awaken Your Purpose call.

If you have any questions, let me know. I will share more in the coming weeks, and podcasts and blogs are coming soon, also.

Until Next week



:: MEET Kavita::
is a Spiritual Success and Purpose coach, an empath, the mother to two teenage boys, and a wife of 23 years. She helps Conscious, Spiritual entrepreneurs create purposeful, profitable businesses aligned with their souls without burnout.

Kavita Melwani, M.Ed

Intuitive Success Coach Empowering soulful entrepreneurs *Jungian coach *Opulently shine *Empaths *Sensitives *Conscious souls 605-209-0797

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