Why do you need Somatic Coaching?

Have you heard of Somatic coaching or therapy and wondered exactly what it was? Or do you know what it is but are not sure if it is for you? Let me explain a little more about this modality.

Soma means the body. Which is the basis of somatic coaching. Why should we work with the body? We work with the body because we store our unprocessed emotions in our bodies. Also, by using the body, we can access our subconscious mind. It is not the only way, but it is a very effective way.

I am a person who is very comfortable thinking about things and trying to figure them out. Accessing the feelings and emotions in my body is more challenging for me, as is for a lot of my clients. When I started receiving and learning about somatic work, I saw experienced massive shifts in how I feel on a daily basis. This type of coaching has upported me in feeling what I am afraid of feeling so it doesn't impact me. It has allowed me to process some difficult instances from my past that I didn't realize were still affecting me. I am grateful to help my clients do the same.

If you are still curious and want to understand this type of coaching even more, then this week's podcast episode will help you understand Somatic Coaching.

This week:
💫I break down what somatic coaching is
💫How this type of coaching might be exactly what you need
💫When you should not receive this type of coaching

If you want to discuss this modality or would like to finally be free of a pattern, contact me, and we can schedule a clarifying block session.

:: MEET Kavita::
is a Spiritual Success and Purpose coach, an empath, the mother to two teenage boys, and a wife of 23 years. She helps Conscious, Spiritual entrepreneurs create purposeful, profitable businesses aligned with their souls without burnout.

If you are ready to align with your purpose and reconnect with your true self, then book a Awaken your purpose Session.

Kavita Melwani, M.Ed

Intuitive Success Coach Empowering soulful entrepreneurs *Jungian coach *Opulently shine *Empaths *Sensitives *Conscious souls 605-209-0797

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